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These are the ramblings of Matthijs Kooijman, concerning the software he hacks on, hobbies he has and occasionally his personal life.

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Twente Mini Maker Faire

Twente Mini Maker Faire Logo

I just returned from the Twente Mini Maker Fair in Hengelo, where I saw a lot of cool makers and things. Eye-catchers were the "strandbeest" from Theo Janssen, a big walking contraption, powered by wind, made from PVC tubing, a host of different hackerspaces and fablabs, all kinds of cool technology projects for kids from the Technlogy Museum Heim and all kinds of cool buttonsy projects from the enthousiastic Herman Kopinga. All this in a cool industrial atmosphere of an old electrical devices factory.

Also nice to meet some old and new familiar people. I ran into Leo Simons, with whom I played theatre sports at Pro Deo years ago. He was now working with his father and brother on the Portobello, a liquid resin based 3D printer, which looked quite promising. I also ran into Edwin Dertien (also familiar from Pro Deo as well as the Gonnagles), whom seemed to be on the organising side of some lectures during the faire. I attended one lecture by Harmen Zijp and Diana Wildschut (which form the Amersfoort-based art group "de Spullenmannen") about the overlap and interaction between art and science, which was nice. I also ran into Govert Combée, a LARPer I knew from Enschede.

Strandbeest by Theo Jansen

Overall, this was a nice place to visit. Lots of cool stuff to see and play with, lots of interesting people. There was also a nice balance of technology vs art, and electronics vs "regular" projects: Nice to see that the Maker mindset appeals to all kinds of different people!

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